Use our decades of experience in private aviation industry assets and as trusted consultants and advisors to businesses seeking insights into this ever-evolving market. We research, assess, and provide actionable insights on multiple aircraft options so that you can base the buy, the not buy, and/ or the how to leverage decision, on the most accurate industry information available at the time.

The Flight Department’s asset consulting services include:
  • Asset Selection Based on Individual Need: We measure your need against the best asset relative to your specific requirements. This takes advantage of opportunities to set up a guaranteed asset that will serve you, your business, or your family for the foreseeable future.
  • Contract Review for Aircraft Management: Prior to acquiring a new asset such as a jet card program, fractional agreement, or charter block-time agreement, The Flight Department will review the contract to ensure that you receive the best terms possible.
  • Custom Designed Timeshares: As The Flight Department increases our client base, opportunities will arise to share ownership costs on an aircraft with other customers, benefiting everyone!


We will help you make the best decision around this valuable asset!